
Super Why Not?

February 15, 2012

Super Mom was anti-television. Super Mom did not allow television in her house unless it was early am so Super Mom and Super Dad could get ready. Super Mom’s son stopped napping. Super Mom is not Super, just a mom. And this mom sadly NEEDS the tv. At first, because of limited exposure, Drew would watch a couple of shows. […]

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February 9, 2012

I was recently sucked into an article about 7 Secrets of Successful Parenting. As if it were as easy as seven tips. I felt that my non-stop frustration with never understanding the right way to handle my children meant that I must read this article top to bottom. And before I knew it, I was completely sucked into the article […]

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Single Gal’s Resolutions by Rachel

January 18, 2012

Hello, again mommies and singles (and everyone in between). This weekend I have been feeling a bit under the weather, but an evening curled up on the couch watching really bad/good Lifetime movies was nice. Now that the New Year is in full swing, how many of you have kept your New Year’s Resolutions? More importantly, how many of you […]

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My Footprint

January 16, 2012

***Archive from January 19, 2011 Thanks to Martin Luther King Jr. I had the day off from work. In memorializing this extraordinary person, that continuously took harder routes in order to make a point or help rally the world to look at situations differently, I couldn’t help reflecting. It makes you really feel insignificant when you look at a person […]

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I NEED it!!!!

December 16, 2011

I try so hard to keep my greed and financial focus in check but I’m failing miserably. For so long I thought having a single family house was all I needed in life. That having a home for my kids to run around in would answer all my problems. I have learned that its never that easy. Of course I […]

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The Grinch Who Stole Christmas

December 8, 2011

I, much like most people, love the holiday season. The lights sparkling along streets and shopping centers, the buzz of people coming and going, the joyful upbeat songs in stores, the whole thing is so uplifting. Drew, being three, is finally starting to pick up on the season. For the first time I am confronted with what Christmas means to […]

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Chanukah Greed…alive and well in our house

December 2, 2011

What happens when you take two kids and you make them the only grandchildren on both sides…SPOILED ROTTEN! Clearly the grandparents aren’t the only ones to blame. My children want for nothing. I’ve been told that a little someone who I know very well was similar at their ages but I’m watching them turn into these greedy little people right […]

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November 29, 2011

Yesterday I hit a wall, like a wall was never hit before. It could have been the days of packing, it could have been the annoyances of things not coming together as they should, it could have been balancing the kids by myself, but anyway you look at it a wall was hit. When we first moved into our townhouse, […]

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Single Girl’s Two Cents

November 21, 2011

I am spending the afternoon today in the Life of Heli. In the time span that it usually takes me to shower and get ready, we ate lunch, picked up Drew from pre-school, went to get Drew a haircut, and put the kids down for a nap. As a single girl myself, it is important to me to maintain relationships […]

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Happy Veteran’s Day

November 11, 2011

As many people have posted on Facebook and media outlets alike messages honoring the veterans of this country, I decided to stop and think what those words really mean. I get the words, people have fought for the well being of America and deserve a day to be honored for their actions. I’m not sure I really understand the meaning. […]

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