I starting blogging to friends and family about my life. Most of the time it was about my first child, Drew, and then it was about growing my family and adding my second, Gabby. Through it all I balanced a great career that I absolutely loved and battled my devastation about missing so much time with my kids.
After some serious soul searching, I decided to quit my job to be a full time mommy. As a part of this new chapter in my life, I decided to dedicate myself (in addition to the dedication of my kids) to the world of mommy bloggers. I’m new to this new universe but I love every minute of my new world (both sides).
So now my blog is chronicling the trials and tribulations of me as a suburban mom just trying to get through the day with my family of THREE now!!! And I may not be doing it well but I’m just doing my best 🙂
Please feel free to contact me, mommystwocents at gmail dot com. Pending that I’m not wrist deep in poop or that one of my kids is holding me hostage, I’ll be sure to get back to you 🙂
Hi. A fellow mommy blogger tweeted me and told me that she’s my newest fan on FB…I’m like wait a minute…I don’t have a FB accound! LOL
So after a little Magnum, P.I. work I found you. So anyway, I just wanted to say Hi! :^)
Mommy2¢ recently posted..if i could turn back time | mommy 2¢
Hi there! Thanks so much for reaching out! Your blog is so cute, I could be confused with worse 🙂 Nice to “meet” you!
Happy Belated Birthday Helie. Love your blog. Ah,fond memories for me of, “Calgon take me away.” To have that bliss for those few precious minutes of peace and quiet. Kids have the uncanny knack of bringing out our insecurities. I think they know exactly which buttons to press. You are a wonderful mommy, who adores your beautiful children. Enjoy everyday, as the years fly by.
Thank God for our “Princes. I adore mine.
Love you Aunt Barb
Hi I’m Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)gmail.com