
JU-V Here We Come!

May 23, 2012

Beware I’m about to have a pity party for myself and you, my readers, are invited to attend. Today Gabby got kicked out of the gym kids’ club for aggressive behavior. And certainly this came at no surprise since she had been getting bad reports, my disgust over the circumstance was not any less. Clearly I have not been very […]

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Comfort Zone

May 17, 2012

Recently I acquired something on Craigslist. When I went to make the exchange, I discovered that the person I had been engaging with online had been a girl I had grown up with. In pulling up to her grown up house, it might as well have been her childhood house. Looking at the family she created, it seemed almost identical […]

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Did I actually conquer a tantrum?????

April 10, 2012

I don’t think there are really any winners when it comes to temper tantrums. But if there were, I’m pretty sure I would have come up on top for this one. Certainly not because it didn’t exist, I have two toddlers temper tantrums are clearly part of the territory. Definitely not because it wasn’t excruciating, so much so that I […]

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The Passover Challenge

April 9, 2012

Last Friday at sundown started Passover. This kick started a week of matzah, avoiding bread and bread products for a lot of Jewish people. There are other stipulations like avoiding corn syrup and yeast in things like beer too. The thing is, at the risk of sounding religious, G-d has been good to me. I am very blessed. And if […]

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Trio Outing

March 30, 2012

When today’s play date got cancelled my first inclination was to hit up Lifetime, per usual, and get a good workout in. As Drew’s tears increased with the cancellation of the play date, I realized Lifetime’s Kids Club just wasn’t going to cut it. So next I considered harassing a variety of different people for alternate play dates. Instead I […]

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Who’s doing the heavy lifting?

March 8, 2012

At Drew’s sports class, 3 out of the 6 kids have nannies with them. Having a nanny was something we had considered when I was working. The thought of having someone care for the kids and also help me with some of the house work seemed like it might make the challenges of being a working mom a little easier. […]

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Uniform Up!

March 5, 2012

I have learned early on in my parenting years that you have to pick and choose your fights. Pretty early on I decided that wardrobe was not one of the hills I wanted to die on. However, I’m reconsidering that decision… My eyeballs literally hurt. Seeing Drew in red and black is not only getting old, but getting a little […]

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Shock therapy for materialism?

March 1, 2012

On Sunday we will be delivering Purim packages to people that don’t have as much as we do. For the last few months we have done this once a month in the city. This time, however, we will be doing this in Northbrook in honor of Purim, a Jewish holiday. It’s hard for me to wrap my head around the […]

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Drew’s a Baller!!!!

February 29, 2012

Drew’s obsession with sports is something he wears on his sleeve. Quite literally actually since he wears his jerseys every day of his life. And although it is something I find hard to relate to at times, I have to embrace the fact that it is so clearly a self-motivated passion. Drew’s Coach from sports class recently mentioned how Drew […]

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My Inner Yogi

February 24, 2012

Relaxation? Impossible! Inner peace? As likely as peace in the Middle East. Yoga? A nice workout after several days of hard muscular working out. People that advocate for Yoga talk about the mental benefits as much as the physical ones. To be completely honest, I thought it was all a crock. I find it hard being alone with myself in […]

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