
It’s very anticlimactic to end the school year with a zoom. Nice job kiddos, off you go! Our old lives would be full of festivities and we’d be launched into a summer of all sorts of camps, sporting games and activities. Instead we spent 7ish months living a life we’ve always known, and the last 3ish months in this situation […]

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Educating the Youth of America

April 9, 2020

Patience is a virtue. A virtue I’m lacking. So day one of e-learning when all three children were shouting questions and concerns was enough to send me in a downward spiral. There’s a perfectly good reason my children go to school to have people WAY more qualified teach them essential skills. As the days have gone on, we’ve settled into […]

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Enough’s Enough?

April 7, 2016

I have never been the kind of parent that says, “not my kid.”  Rather, I am the first to suspect my kid is up to no good.  Because of this, I have always been on the teacher’s side first and foremost.  Any time the teacher mentioned something my kid did (or didn’t do as the case may be) in school, […]

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Can you fail kindergarten?

March 10, 2016

Who knew when we happily celebrated our new pregnancy that we didn’t make our kids at the right time?!?! My two oldest children were born in June, Gabby at the tail end. At the time I thought it would be nice to celebrate in the warm months. It was fabulous having new babies that you could instantly take for walks […]

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September 1, 2015

Where did the time go??? People say it all the time. They look at a 8-1/2 month pregnant woman and explain that they just found out they were pregnant…where did the five months go?!? Easy for them to say, they haven’t been living the agony of having a baby grow inside them. Or people looking at a 13 year old […]

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Drama in Suburbia

July 21, 2015

Have you heard the news??? John, Jane, Jim and George have Mrs. Teacher but Sally, Stu and Seymore have Mrs. Whogivesaflyingflute. Oh yeah, you heard it here…our school district “released” or accidentally posted (whatever you want to call it) class placement ahead of schedule. Gasp. In the life of a parent (a parent without a job no less) in suburbia, […]

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Careful what you wish for…

March 10, 2015

When people would ask me how I felt about my oldest going to kindergarten, I would laugh…no big deal!  For one, his preschool day was longer than his half day kindergarten class.  Secondly, I was so accustomed to running him to his myriad of activities to keep him busy that my life was going to be pretty darn similar. When […]

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Whats your vote???

February 10, 2015

I live in a world of over-scheduled, over-structured and over-schooled kids. I’m certainly not innocent here. My pre-k daughter is in ballet/jazz, hip hop/poms, broadway bound, gymnastics and swim class. I’d like to say it’s because kids can no longer run the streets until dinner time like they did back in my day. But first of all, I’m not 75 […]

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My Nemesis – the iPad

October 21, 2014

Do I need to explain the excitement Drew went through when school GAVE him an iPad? It’s certainly not because he hasn’t been exposed to the iPad. He pretty much already has his own at home. And it’s also not because he has a full access pass to do whatever he wants on the iPad (the school sets its restrictions […]

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Even Duracell bunnies get tired

September 18, 2014

Long days are nothing new for my eldest. That child has frequently been compared to the Duracell bunny. He keeps going and going… From the point this child gave up his nap at the tender age of three, he fell asleep during the day (maybe) two times. He has never been one of those kids who fell asleep in transit […]

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