
Marriage Boredom

January 4, 2012

Do you ever get bored of being married? My single friends are going to hate this blog like I hate it when they say that they are bored nights and weekends because they have too much downtime. Do you ever get bored of being married? I don’t mean bored of your husband because that’s a problem that you need to […]

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What’s inner peace?

January 3, 2012

Last week I celebrated the ten year anniversary of my 21st birthday. This anniversary coupled with the conclusion of 2011, really got me thinking about where I’ve been, what I’ve done and where I’m going. I’ve only been able to legally drink for ten years, vote for thirteen, drive for fifteen. Yet what I’ve accomplished, created, in those thirty one […]

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Time Machine Wanted

December 7, 2011

Yesterday I braved the mall. I figured that the festiveness would be a nice change from the world of home improvement. I went to my childhood mall, the mall where I’ve been hanging out at for many years. It’s easy, I know it like the back of my hand and I could get all my errands done there. While I […]

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November 29, 2011

Yesterday I hit a wall, like a wall was never hit before. It could have been the days of packing, it could have been the annoyances of things not coming together as they should, it could have been balancing the kids by myself, but anyway you look at it a wall was hit. When we first moved into our townhouse, […]

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November 17, 2011

It’s official, we own two homes. At the very beginning of this process I said that things would have to align for this whole scenario to work. And although the elements of our new home started to come together, there was so much uncertainty with our current home that it was hard to get excited. Yesterday we closed on our […]

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Lessons Learned

November 15, 2011

I’ve learned a few valuable lessons over the last couple of days…and mostly the hard way. The first would be the value in copying and pasting one’s blog onto another document before closing a browser. That would account for the lack of blogging yesterday. Oh and also the fact that time has been of the essence the last few days. […]

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What makes a house a home?

November 7, 2011

As our move gets closer, Drew is starting to struggle with the idea of not living here. He has mentioned that he wants to bring the walls with, today he wants the carpet, and frequently he asks about his toys coming too. It’s so obvious that he is really working hard to wrap his little head around the idea of […]

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November 1, 2011

Previous to having kids, my life was defined by my accomplishments. The stage at which my life was at dictated everything I did and every way I thought. Now my life is so wrapped up in what my kids are doing. Almost to a fault… There is a substantial self motivation in the enjoyment I get from my kids. I’m […]

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The Phenomenon of Time

September 26, 2011

It’s always weird how time has a way of making you feel. How sometimes something feels like just yesterday and it was years ago. Yet other times a short time feels like a long time. These feelings are especially strong when you are talking about your times with your young kids. I barely can remember my life without kids, yet […]

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Bring on the cling!

September 16, 2011

My insanely happy, independent baby has become less of a baby lately. If I dare try and spoon feed this child, I will shortly be reminded why that was a mistake when I wipe off the residual food from my face. And now that she’s mobile, it’s becoming increasingly frequent that she does not want to be inconvenienced by me […]

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