
Let the races begin…

September 7, 2011

Walking is a monumental occasion for all parents. It’s a milestone that most parents reluctantly and anxiously await. Of course there’s always a competitive nature to it too. Parents whose children were early walkers are usually excited to tout the fact that their child was walking prematurely. Parents of late walkers are always happy to encourage the nervous parents that […]

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July 23, 2011

Kids asleep so I flip on the tv expecting nothing but some crap about some rich lady matchmaking or crazy housewives doing crazy stuff and I stumble upon my youth. I stumble upon a tv show that affected me to the core. Some people reading this may think I’m nuts for letting tv dictate my being but this show, in […]

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Goodbye 2 Year Old!

June 16, 2011

My mom has said from time to time that although she loves the big girl that I’ve become, she misses the baby I once was. I got a taste of that this weekend. My big boy turned three. He’s far from the adult I am but I had some serious sadness as he turned three. Saturday night when I was […]

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Walk the Line

February 23, 2011

For so long I have thought that my job adds an element of chaos to my life that was expendable. I thought if I didn’t have to work, my life would be so much easier. Yesterday the kids’ school was closed for a teacher institute day. I took off to spend the day with my little rugrats. I had a […]

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Breast is Best

February 4, 2011

Prior to having Gabby, I found the whole breastfeeding phenomenon to be strange. I did it with Drew reluctantly for three months because I was committed to trying to give Drew the best of everything. I was thrilled when I finally decided that I had done my duty. I felt uncomfortable with nursing in front of people. I felt that […]

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