The Best Part

September 10, 2013

I have frequently thought Gabby got the best part of me. For Drew, I was so wrapped up in the change of being a mom and what that life brought me that I don’t think I enjoyed every second of it the way I should have. With Gabby, I knew what it was like having a baby and I enjoyed […]

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September 9, 2013

I am currently in the cruxes of the Jewish New Year, in between the actual New Year and day of atonement (a.k.a. the day I become the most miserable human being in the world because I am without food and COFFEE all day). So because of this, I got thinking about what are my sins and how I can improve […]

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August 29, 2013

Today I drove past the place I first met Adam. If I focus my brain hard enough, I can almost remember that hot, stuffy hallway. That day when those two kids first met was so long ago. I had no idea who I was, let alone where I was going. G-d willing, Adam and I have a long journey ahead […]

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August 28, 2013

My wonderful, extremely missing in action these days since he took a job in Wisconsin, husband asked to golf on Saturday. On my day “off”???? The nerve… I expect evenings where I can jet from the family chaos and occasionally have a meal with other people where there are conversations and slow consumption of food. It’s not like this happens […]

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Just call me Taz

August 27, 2013

My brain has become absolute mush. You know that Tasmanian devil that spins around and around, that is my head all the time these days. At any given moment I could have a panic attack over which child I forgot, where I’m supposed to be or what I’ve neglected. I’m afraid that this is just the beginning of the end. […]

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The Circle of Life

August 22, 2013

Sometimes I feel like life is a foggy, surreal dream. The sleep deprivation and craze of waking hours doesn’t help the situation. But the largest feeling is that I just can’t believe this is my life, that I am here doing this. I thought I was going to stay fifteen forever. On the cusp of life really starting. And somehow […]

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Wedded Bliss??

August 21, 2013

I sometimes wonder why eight years ago today nobody stood up and said “I object.” Maybe they were distracted by the domino effect of fainters (three people fainted including the bride – doh!). Anyway, who “let” a twenty-four year old get married?!? I’d like to think we were mature beyond our years, although I think that is unlikely. Especially since […]

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On the Playground

August 19, 2013

Today we had a kindergarten play date at the school park in preparation for the big day on Thursday. The single-handed worst thing that could happen in that instance happened. No, he didn’t break an arm. No, he didn’t get in trouble. Worse than all…his feelings were hurt!!!!!!!!!! GASP! We are walking into kindergarten knowing very few people and only […]

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I need a hero!!!

August 14, 2013

There’s something about when I turn off the lights and it’s quiet in the house that makes my husband traveling extra hard. It’s not that I’m living in the 50s where I need my man to protect me to feel safe. It’s something about having three kids and knowing I’m the only adult. I spend a lot of the day […]

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What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger…

August 12, 2013

As if days spent like this, were nothing but sheer bliss… And the only exercise I was getting was when I carried my five year old up a flight of stairs for a time out (why aren’t I working out this week?? Click here). Then my husband decides to up and scoot to Cali for “work.” Was the concept of […]

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