Embrace the Chaos

December 4, 2013

The other day while carting around Noah on my variety of errands, I spotted a mother with her toddler daughter doing what looked like what I was doing a year plus ago – chatting, laughing, and being silly. Tear, tear. Somehow when I wasn’t looking the tides have changed. Instead of running errands and being my right hand lady while […]

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I want to be wanted

December 2, 2013

Lately it’s been incredibly obvious that my baby doesn’t prefer me. Sure, he’ll take me. He most absolutely doesn’t want to be put down from the hours of 4-6 and he’ll tolerate my grasp. But when it comes to wanting someone, he’ll take just about anyone over me!!! This kid is the first one I’ve pretty much been the majority […]

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Break Redefined

November 26, 2013

What do you mean there’s no school all week? What am I supposed to do with my kids without any programming??? Ah!!!!!! Some day, hopefully in the not too distant future, it will be a benefit that my kids are close in age. Their abilities and interests matching each other’s. Today, however, that is not the case. Activities that once […]

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Baby baby vs. Baby Toddler

November 21, 2013

In addition to it being my brother-in-law’s birthday yesterday (happy birthday Jeff!), it was also my youngest child’s eleven month birthday. I feel like I need to hold onto this last month of babyhood extra tight. After this, I no longer have a baby baby. I have a baby toddler. And that era, the era of babies is over. This […]

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My wish

November 18, 2013

You know how parents always say.”I hope you have a kid just like you?” I suppose this doesn’t seem as much like a threat if you were known as an easy baby, good child, well behaved teenager. But in my case, and unfortunately my husband’s too, (which maybe accounts for our maniacal children) we were told this as a lingering […]

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Picture Perfect

November 13, 2013

Sometimes I forget that just because something looks Facebook perfect, doesn’t mean that everything is as it seems. Everyone knows that family on Facebook that just looks perfect. The kids always smile perfectly, everyone’s clothes are always cute and perfectly well coordinated, posts sound like life is pretty damn good. Just because it appears that way, doesn’t mean that is […]

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Here comes trouble!!!!!!!!!!

November 12, 2013

Whether it’s the sliding glass door or the cord to the laptop, Noah is into absolutely everything. It’s as if his license to scoot, extends out to his license to terrorize. He’s pulling, grabbing, and launching just about everything he can get his little chubby hands on. He’s even perfected his screech so when he’s not grasping what he wants, […]

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First Love

November 6, 2013

There’s something about your first love. That feeling that the whole world could swallow you up but you wouldn’t even notice because you are with that person. The adrenaline rush mixed with a cosmic tie to that person is such an intense feeling, one that might even rival your need for oxygen at that moment. It’s a one of a […]

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I’m crushing

November 5, 2013

I have such a crush, in a “willing to skip my only errand day to go to music class” sorta way. I hold this little man, my last baby, against me and I realize that I can no longer do this with my other two. Gabby is still cuddly and I think she will be for awhile more. Drew, on […]

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November 1, 2013

Adam, the husband, makes me like parenting. It’s not that parenting is something totally different when he’s there (well, maybe it actually is). It’s that sharing the burden 50/50 (as well as the joy) makes it sooooo much better. After three glorious days of our adult only vaca, I returned to fly a solo mission for two more days. The […]

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