I got a face lift!!!! Well, not exactly, but my website got a face lift. What do you think?
I’m spoiled because my wonderful husband, reference Adam’s Spell, actually enjoys building websites. And in case anyone was interested, he also does freelance work. Have I mentioned how much going down to one salary sucks, please reference Waxing My Wants Away or Mo Money PPPPlease? Anyway, Adam could really use an extra job so please feel free to employ him to build your website too 🙂
The great thing about this layout is that it allows everyone to see the most recent stories from each category (Daily Two Cents being my most recent rant about anything). Yesterday’s, in fact, really emphasizing my true dorkiness, Beware of My Ambition.
Also included is the very exciting Nonsense portion of the page which includes the funny things my kids say…who am I kidding, it’s all Drew. I couldn’t quite grasp the funny “Oy yoy yoy” Gabby does while grasping her cheeks. Yet “Mr. Sun doesn’t have a willy. He’s a girl.” pretty much says it all!
My Favorite Things still remains to be my favorite things…or my not-so favorite things as the case may be. Look out for an exciting one to come about high chairs!!! Such a teaser, I know you are all on the edges of your seats waiting for that doozy of a post! I think I got the most comments though on my Boogie Baby USA post (Oooooh Aaaaaah), so you guys must like this section.
In the upcoming weeks I have some really exciting Guest Blogs coming up so stay tuned for that. On Guest Bloggin to date are posts from my mom, reference Grandmother’s Two Cents and my grandpa, see Greetings from a Great-Grandfather. Both happen to be great writers and have some good perspective so please check those out!
If you like blogs, or want to read more, check out my Blog Rollin section. Right now I have a list of the blogs that I religiously read. But it grows quite frequently so keep an eye on it.
Last but certainly not least is the Challah section. This section originated from the fact that every Friday we get Challah at Drew’s school and spend the day say Challah! Sounds very much like holler or holla as the cool kids may say. So if you would like to reach out to me and don’t via email, facebook or twitter already…feel free to try here.
That’s my revamped look in a nutshell. I’d love to hear from you guys on what you like or don’t like, just Challah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks great Heli! I love reading!
Thanks Mar!