Beware of My Ambition

August 30, 2011

Business people spend time in networking groups, leads clubs, or chambers of commerce to get to know contacts that will hopefully inspire more business. What about Mommy Bloggers? Where do they get their voices heard? Where do they find people to inspire more business?

Today I was at the park where a large play group was gathering. First of all, I don’t have an abundance of stay at home mommy friends. So my first thought was how I would love to have the opportunity to participate in get togethers with a group like this. Then the business savvy career person in me realized, and had some help from my friend that was with me, that this was also an opportunity for more business.

The thing about the blogging business is that most people don’t realize that it is in fact a business. The other caveat is that people generally don’t like mixing personal and business. And unlike an accountant that joins a group of other careered professionals to drum up more business, it seems a little like these mommies are opportunities for me or just unsuspecting prey.

I circled them, tried to uncover the leader of the group, strategized on how to appropriately come in for the attack…no, I nervously fumbled around and spoke up to one mother who was coincidentally talking to another and gave them my card (yes, I actually have a business card and yes, that may have just made me sound a lot less cool than you once thought I was). I propositioned by working off the hot saucing blog explaining that I am always looking for more perspectives on a variety of topics, discipline included.

Side note…For all of you who read what I have to say, thank you so much. But most of you, despite reading which I greatly appreciate, don’t participate. And obviously I must like to hear myself (or I wouldn’t have a blog), but it’s much more fun and rewarding for my stories and thoughts to become conversational. So for those of you who have participated, I love it. And for those of you who are thinking of participating, please do! And for those of you who may know someone who would participate, please encourage them.

Now back on topic. I couldn’t help but feel like an annoying Tupperware saleslady trying to get them to have a party. And although I commend anyone for doing direct sales, I sold knives for goodness sake, I just don’t want for this blogging career to completely take that shape.

Some of you may be reading this thinking, does she live in la-la land…when did a blog ever become a career path? Believe it or not, it is! There are tons of careered bloggers making a ton of money writing their two cents. There are advertisers willing to pay moms to write their thoughts, feelings and insights but only if you have readers.

I am only small potatoes now but someday I may become Dooce afterall (, the biggest of the Mommy Bloggers. Or maybe nothing will come of this but at worst I have a nice chronicle of my life at this point when I’m too crazed to see straight, let alone remember anything my kids used to do.

So the jist is that I don’t know how to sell myself in a personal setting without potentially turning people off to my salesmanship. Yet, I don’t want to miss a networking opportunity. I’m trying to network online, participating on other people’s blogs, getting involved on Mommy websites, etc.

Now when I’m at the park, am I that weird lady trying to sell my Tupperware or am I that cool lady facilitating a website of broadminded people that have interesting insights to offer every day subjects? I’m not sure yet what my image is because I so obviously don’t own it (hence the nervous wreck trying to pass along her geeky business card about her mommy blog at a park) but I’m going to try and do my best. In my life, I can’t say I’ve always been a true success at everything I’ve ever done but for the most part I’ve always tried my best and it hasn’t failed me yet. So if you come across me at a park, you may want to run the other way 🙂

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