
I know vacations are worthwhile. It’s great to get away from the house, it’s nice to have a break from the routine and it’s enjoyable to be forced to have no distractions during family time. The pre-work, though, is enough to do you in! There are a variety of piles all over our house. There are the clothing piles that […]

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Is a relaxing beach vaca possible?

August 8, 2012

Much like I explained yesterday, a year can make a big difference! Friday we leave for our second year going up to Michigan between school and camp. My very generous aunt and uncle give us their summer house as a getaway. And last year, (you can read about it here) it wasn’t quite the getaway I had expected. First of […]

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June 6, 2012

Two weeks ago there was angst and agony at the mere thought of the two week break in between school and camp. I’d be lying if I said it was the first time I felt this level of anxiety, but it seems to come a couple weeks before every break. We are all such creatures of our schedule that the […]

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Worldly Mama

February 20, 2012

I have some friends that are getting married out of state in a few months. When I heard about the location, I was thrilled at the opportunity to see that part of the country. I didn’t think for a second that anything would get in the way of me being a part of this big event for my special friends. […]

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January 20, 2012

It’s that lovely time of year where people are starting to get out of dodge. It is frigid one moment or snowy and slushy the next. Either way, it’s miserable. And frankly the weather is just the least of it. I think I may need a vacation from my children. Surprisingly Drew has been doing a little better. All it […]

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Things I learned on our trip to Disney…

December 22, 2011

1. A single trip can be the most fun, the most stressful and the most exhausting all in one. 2. A kid in costume always looks cute, unless they are assaulting you. 3. Family pictures are near impossible, even in Disney World. 4. I don’t need many excuses to dress Gabby as a Princess, and Disney seems like as good […]

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Winter Break

December 20, 2011

Oh winter break, how our love affair is over. I spent so much of my life loving winter break. Who doesn’t love time off of school. When you have kids, however, its a whole new ballgame. Without school to structure our days and the insane crowds at every kid friendly location, I could go crazy keeping these rugrats occupied. Of […]

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Bumpy Ride

December 12, 2011

There has been a whole heck of a lot of packing going on in the last few weeks. And with all the packing I’ve done, I decided that packing for a trip has got to be the worst! Don’t get me wrong, packing glasses and weird shaped objects in such a way that nothing breaks is no day in the […]

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Let the races begin…

September 7, 2011

Walking is a monumental occasion for all parents. It’s a milestone that most parents reluctantly and anxiously await. Of course there’s always a competitive nature to it too. Parents whose children were early walkers are usually excited to tout the fact that their child was walking prematurely. Parents of late walkers are always happy to encourage the nervous parents that […]

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Post Vaca Wrap Up

August 22, 2011

Disclaimer: We really enjoyed our trip. Things I learned during our summer vacation…

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