There has been a whole heck of a lot of packing going on in the last few weeks. And with all the packing I’ve done, I decided that packing for a trip has got to be the worst!
Don’t get me wrong, packing glasses and weird shaped objects in such a way that nothing breaks is no day in the park. I could easily have had several nervous breakdowns over the mountains of things I had to pack for the move. There was the immediate items that I could pack now, then the important items that I could not live without for a day that I had to hold off on. The frustration of never feeling like I actually finished a room because of the need to hold some things back drove me crazy. But everything needed to go at some point. There was no weighing in with what to bring.
We are less than 24 hours away from our big Disney trip and all I have packed are the kids clothes. That was probably the easiest thing I could pack. Between eliminating the clothes that don’t fit, throwing in a variety of things for different weather patterns and grabbing as much Disney wear as possible, I had completed that task in less than a half an hour.
Now comes the heavy lifting. I have to somehow decide in my sea of hot weather clothes, warm weather clothes, chilly clothes and downright freezing clothes what to bring. In addition to the desire to have everything I may ever want there, I also have to comb through the necessities to traveling with kids. I need to pack all the necessary medicines, diapers, formula, snacks. And I have to do all this for a mere $25/bag per person. It’s like a high stress game of tetris!
The good news is that in the midst of all this house craze, overwhelming nature of packing, I haven’t given much thought to actually managing my crazy children through the plane ride. I have taken Drew on a few plane rides to date. I would not say any of them have been enjoyable but he’s pretty much alright with a little portable dvd action. Gabby, on the other hand, has not traveled on a plane before. I can’t keep her still for a five second interval, let alone a three hour plane ride.
There are four adults traveling together (Adam, my parents and I) but I’m not sure there are enough adults on this planet to entertain my almost 18 month wild woman. So make sure you are well buckled boys and girls because we are in for a bumpy ride.