
The Boss

April 14, 2015

Yesterday I spent the day with an unrecognizable child. This child had 3 temper tantrums about non-sensible things like getting into a diaper, being fascined into a car seat and holding hands in a parking lot. There were 3 shakedowns where this same child either pushed, grabbed or hit causing another child to cry.  I went out of town for […]

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The Boot

March 5, 2015

On the heels of yesterday’s post, Threshold of Tolerance, I have found myself thinking more and more about that post. Yes, I more or less declared that in extreme cases of disrespect I approve of physically reprimanding my child(ren). And yes, that might be an unpopular position. And no, I haven’t changed my mind in 24 hours. Rather, we have […]

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Threshold of Tolerance

March 4, 2015

I understand that kids, like adults, often get heated and say things they don’t mean. I can sleep easy knowing that I am probably not the worst mom in the world. Many of the things my children have shouted my direction are not how they actually feel about me and I can keep it in its proper perspective. But… Aren’t […]

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February 8, 2015

Drew is…resistant. I could suggest a trip to Disney World and he would cry and carry on. Of course once we were there, he’d be happy as a lark (what the heck is a lark?!?). He may even apologize for his behavior. But actually getting him there would be extremely painful. It doesn’t really prevent us, because he’s literally resistant […]

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Ode to you, jerk face

January 21, 2015

Ode to that lovely person who pointed out that my tantruming daughter on the outdoor picnic bench was bothering HIS breakfast. To THAT I say, I can’t remember a meal where I wasn’t disturbed by a tantruming child. Try living with me. Ode to that lovely person who gave me that terrible stink eye when my daughter had (yet another) tantrum […]

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Wake Up Call!!!

January 12, 2015

There is something that has been happening during our weekday mornings that words cannot possibly grasp. I’ll explain some of my emotions: anger, rage, sadness and depression. It usually goes in that cycle too. Thank goodness once I’ve survived and made it to the gym around 9:30, I’m given a dose of endorphins that keeps me going. However, the pain […]

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It’s GO Time!!!

January 5, 2015

Bed time, oh bed time…how I have missed you. Between our trip to Costa Rica in the beginning of December to two LONG weeks of winter break, we have spent the better part of December letting everything go…and I mean everything!!!! Happy Monday started with the great breakfast shake down. Gabby has spent the better part of December living off […]

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Food – the enemy part 2

November 6, 2014

I have always prided myself on making ONE meal for my family. Adam and I are not picky eaters and it seems to have rubbed off on Drew. Of course I try to find low fat meals that will work with kids’ preferences but I generally make healthy meals for us all to eat. In order to “earn” dessert which […]

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The art of being left out

October 30, 2014

Being included, or not as the case may be, is a timeless issue. My grandma has vocalized her frustration from not being a part of certain social gatherings. Certainly I deal with it in regards to my children as well. What is the appropriate way of handling feelings of being left out? Everyone should always be included. Although that ideally […]

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Chapter 3 of Juvenile Delinquency

October 16, 2014

I’m exhausted. And not in that stayed up too late watching trashy tv sorta way, although true. I’m exhausted from dealing with aggressive toddlers. I’m tired of trying to teach someone that barely understands English to be appropriate. I need a MAJOR nap from this chapter. Drew was an insanely aggressive toddler. Maybe it was partially because he was my […]

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