My baby is almost 2!!

June 25, 2012

Two years ago tomorrow my little princess joined our family. My savior in a world full of testosterone. She came into this world with some gusto and hasn’t toned it down ever since.

When I found out I was having a girl, I was dumbfounded. I had wanted a girl very badly…mostly for all the wrong reasons, so I could relive my childhood of dance recitals, barbies and actually experience American Girl. But I also had Drew who was into everything that I wasn’t. I’m learning to appreciate all the things that he loves, but at times I feel like the odd man out with Adam and Drew. It was nice to add balance to the testosterone heavy side of this family. That being said, I felt wrong celebrating that I was having a girl. I felt like in some way it was saying that I was unhappy having a boy. So instead I felt numb about it for the majority of the pregnancy. I’m not sure it was until this last birthday party where Gabby acquired a slew of dress up clothes, tea sets and baby doll accessories that I finally felt the thrill of having a girl. This kinda playtime I understand!

The day she was born started out like any other Saturday an almost 40 week pregnant lady should experience. A trip to Walker Brothers where you get to eat something you would never have allowed yourself not pregnant. Not that I subscribed to the Jessica Simpson method of pregnancy, rather the drive myself crazy about my growing body method. Regardless, I indulged in my last supper or brunch as the case may be. After that, needless to say, I was not feeling well the rest of the day. And as irony would have it, we went and looked at the only other house we ever looked at before buying this one. I went home to rest and indulged yet again in some Kardashians…funny the ridiculous details you remember in an otherwise mundain “normal” day.

Some friends came over and we went to the pool. The contractions started but because I was in labor for 32 hours with Drew, I figured that I had at least a good twenty hours if this really was in fact “it.” It was feeling worse fast so we put a rain check on the rest of our plans. Within five minutes of them leaving, I knew it was time to go. My in-laws never got to our house faster than that day. It was almost as if their own bags were packed. Mine, sadly, weren’t even finished being packed because I didn’t expect to go early!!!

All of Adam’s labor and delivery dreams came true with Gabby. He was able to speed like a bat out of hell, running red lights, only to pull up on the hospital curb and shout this lady is having a baby! And it’s a good thing he did because twenty minutes after our arrival, Gabriela Blair graced us with her presence. Despite me attempting to order an epidural from the lobby, my epidural that I received didn’t actually kick in until ten minutes AFTER Gabby was born. I had the lovely misfortune of experiencing natural childbirth.

But despite all that craziness coming into the world, and the lack of calmness since she joined the family, the love affair started. And I have not been the same since.

Happy almost birthday to the most amazing girl I am lucky enough to get to hang with everyday 🙂

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