Here comes Gabby!

July 1, 2010

Our new bundle of joy emerged into the world Saturday, June 26. And although I had almost forty weeks to mentally prepare for the pain and agony, joy and pride, uncertainty and confusion…I was not at all prepared. Unlike Drew’s delivery which spanned over a lovely thirty-two hour period, Gabriela Blair decided for a speedy, quick entrance into the world. Within about three or four hours of contractions, Gabby was out and ready to take her place as Drew’s baby sister. Since it was such a quick delivery, it didn’t give me much time to marvel in the fact that the day had come. Before I knew it, we were a four person family. And so far, as a four person family, we are actually doing pretty well! We have even experienced a few people tell us that we look cool, calm and collected. The first week after Drew’s arrival, I feel pretty confident no one described us that way! Drew is elated by the visitors and presents he has received and Gabby is more of an accessory at this point. He wakes up each morning screaming that he wants to see his baby sister and goes to bed reluctantly at night because there has been a plethora of fun people to entertain him. And despite some extra hyperness or fights over toys being “MINE” he actually seems happy and well adjusted. Could this possible mean we’ve done something right? Could this mean that we have created a positive warm environment for Drew to handle this new intruder? As the days continue, and the visitors dwindle, there will be times that Gabby isn’t as much fun for Drew as she is today. As our attention is divided and she grows to be someone who he has to share his toys with things may get harder. But for today, day five into Gabby’s life, we are one big happy family. And although I didn’t have long to marvel in her birth, I’m going to take every second to marvel in the beauty of this four person family.

One thought on “Here comes Gabby!

  1. This is terrific! One of the best!! You are a beautiful family and I am so proud of you!

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