What a difference a year makes!

April 12, 2012

I’m having one of those days where it feels like the world is out to get me. Of course I’m dramatic and despite the fact that I can realize it, it doesn’t change my mood. So I decided to take a walk down memory lane to help put in perspective how good I really have it.

Unfortunately the blog that I wrote almost exactly one year ago was talking about the successful vacation Adam and I had away from the kids with some friends. A lovely reminder of relaxation and a time in our lives when having two incomes allowed for certain indulgences. Not to mention my old partner called me yesterday to tell me how much she misses me at work. Perhaps this isn’t a safe place for me to dwell given my mood.

When I think about it, big picture, its a different story. A mere year ago, I was concerned that Gabby had some sort of horrible disease. She threw up incessantly. If her food had any remote texture, she threw up. She wasn’t growing properly and was unable to keep a bottle successfully down. With speech therapy and lots of practice, she has overcome her oral aversion. With many trips to many doctors, we have uncovered her extensive allergies. And although she’s still quite petite, last doctors visit she made her way slightly above the fifth percentile!

Last year at this time, I was failing at juggling it all. I felt like my career was being compromised by Gabby’s health concerns and Drew’s behavioral challenges. I felt like I was failing as a mother, having work demands keep me away from completely dedicating myself to Gabby’s health concerns and Drew’s behavioral challenges. I love that I’m able to dedicate myself to them now, yet still able to maintain some personal time too. At least on other days, I love that I’m able to do that 🙂

In April of 2011, I thought I was permanently destined to live in our townhouse in Lake Zurich. It seemed like there was no hope of ever getting out. And now I have my house, to which I love more and more each day. It’s such a great feeling to finally be able to plant our roots and settle down in the place we want to stay.

So although the things against me today are not going anywhere for awhile, life is very fleeting. When you aren’t looking, your whole world changes. I’m grateful for where I’m at, even if I could use a little relief at times. And I’ll still always be grateful for where I came from too.

2 thoughts on “What a difference a year makes!

  1. I couldn’t be more happy for you! Plus, we are living so close now! WOO HOO!

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