
At Drew’s sports class, 3 out of the 6 kids have nannies with them. Having a nanny was something we had considered when I was working. The thought of having someone care for the kids and also help me with some of the house work seemed like it might make the challenges of being a working mom a little easier. […]

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Shock therapy for materialism?

March 1, 2012

On Sunday we will be delivering Purim packages to people that don’t have as much as we do. For the last few months we have done this once a month in the city. This time, however, we will be doing this in Northbrook in honor of Purim, a Jewish holiday. It’s hard for me to wrap my head around the […]

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I’m Sorry

December 9, 2011

Recently I read an article explaining that my former employer will be laying off 25% of their employees, most of them coming from sales (which is where I was). One nasty evening last February when I was whining about my ongoing woes of being a working mother, Adam told me he thought I should quit my job. At first I […]

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The Ark

November 3, 2011

This year Drew’s class is raising money for a charity. The first week they did this he wouldn’t give the money I had given him to his teacher. He insisted that he needed more toys, as if the mounds of toys we have scattered around our house are not enough. This made me realize, to reiterate yesterday’s blog, that I […]

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How do I turn a blind eye?

November 2, 2011

There are so many things I am looking forward to about our upcoming move. However I am, per usual, going to take a moment to mention one of the largest things I am least looking forward to. Although we currently live in an upscale community, we do not live in an atmosphere that is quite as affluent as the one […]

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Moving on up…

October 24, 2011

I have a confession, I haven’t exactly been forthcoming in the last couple of months. May sound strange since I offer up stories about my life and my feelings so freely. I’m not sure the blogger responsibility in sharing intimacies of your life. All I know is that my feelings were so tender that I didn’t feel comfortable opening up […]

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To Organic or Not To Organic, that is the question?

October 12, 2011

The idea of a loved one developing a disease or illness was always a fear. After having children, the idea was so devastating that I felt that I needed to do all I could to avoid that. There isn’t much control a parent has from avoiding inevitable truths but if there was something I could control, I was going to […]

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Waxing My Wants Away

August 29, 2011

Money and family tend to be the biggest challenges with marriages, especially new marriages. Joining finances and learning how the other person manages their finances can be a huge hurtle in a new marriage. Different people place different priorities for their resources. And despite open communication and forecasting the future, there can still be some challenges in getting into the […]

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Mo Money PPPPPlease!

August 5, 2011

I knew transitioning to one income was going to be difficult but I’m not sure I realized it was going to be quite the challenge it has become. There were definitely some expenses I thought would improve while I was home. I was, unfortunately, very wrong. Most significant improvement would be daycare. Not paying for a full week of supervision […]

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August 3, 2011

Please explain to me how Google does this to reward you for readership and people being exposed to their advertisers????? What do I do now to support my blog?!?!?! Thanks to everyone who clicked on my advertisers. I almost made $100 when Google dropped me. Here’s their friendly email…

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