She Works Hard…not for the money

May 22, 2013

Today someone mentioned to me about a position, a good position, available at her company. For a second, a solid second, I got excited at the prospect of re-entering the workforce. The thought of dressing up, engaging in adult conversation and having something to talk about besides nursing, day camp or kindergarten enrichment really inspired me.

How will I ever work again? With three children, when will life become more calm? When one has soccer practice, while the other has ballet class and the third has piano lessons? Is that when? How would I even pull that off as a stay at home mom, let alone a mom who is rushing from work while trying to make sure there is food in the house?

People talk about going back to work when their kids go back to school. Is that when they go to college? Although it’s possible that the daily demands decrease when all the kids are in full day school, there’s a nice break from 9 to 3, what happens during the after school rush? You spend all this time abandoning your career path and focus on your children just to have them become latch key kids when they are old enough to let girls/boys, drugs and rock and roll into the house?

With expenses like camp and college, how does anyone survive on one income? How could I NOT contribute to our family when I’m a capable college graduate?! For nothing more than adding to our vacation fund? Is it just that people find employers who are willing to let you work from 10-2 so that you have time to be home and available for your kids?

Now since I’m fully submerged in the land of stay at home moms, I couldn’t help feeling a little twinge of excitement at the thought of re-entering the workforce. If this isn’t evidence of how hard staying at home can be, I don’t know what is! And although I miss the work I used to do, the people I used to do the work with and the feeling I got from a job well done, I think that boat has passed. I’m not sure what the future has for me but my current job is so very demanding that I can’t imagine balancing a single extra thing!

2 thoughts on “She Works Hard…not for the money

  1. I never thought I would say this, but I DON’T want to go back to work when this mat leave ends! I really don’t know how I’m going to find the time to do everything…and I just don’t want to be sucked into that go-go-go lifestyle, even though it’s inevitable!! I don’t want to be a SAHM but keeping up with my blog and selling baby food on the side has kept me busy enough, but not TOO busy! It’s the perfect combo 😉
    Lisa @bitesforbabies recently posted..Bye-Bye “Bottomless Pit!”My Profile

    • It is not easy but in some ways you may find it to be a pleasant break from the chaos at home! I’m very impressed with your baby food biz, keep up the good work!!!

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