Kindy Roundup

May 9, 2013

Today is “Kindy Roundup.” It’s our first introduction to kindergarten. Rumor has it, kindergarten is kinda a big deal.

When my thoughts of quitting my job came into play, I kept obsessing over the fact that I only have the first five years of their lives. The first five years are when they only want/need you. After that they are involved in their activities, their friends, school work and you can’t have the time with them like you can in their first five.

I missed out in the first three years with Drew. He spent his beginning days in full day daycare, shuffled between grandparents and my exposure was restricted to night time and weekends. So the fact that I’m sending him off to kindergarten is bittersweet.

The truth of the matter is that he will only be gone two and a half hours a day, even if it does have a fancier title than preschool. The truth of the matter is that he will be gone in the afternoons, most likely, when he usually spends too much time in front of the tv or iPad. The truth of the matter is that this is just the beginning of his real academic life. A life where he will ultimately spend a ton of hours in a building developing a life that is completely separate from me.

I’m not all that unfamiliar with sending him off, so I don’t expect it to be too rough. But I can’t help but feel a little sad that we are at this juncture so very soon. I can’t help but feel a little excited of the prospect of free school (well free isn’t exactly right since we pay a boatload in taxes). I can’t help but feel a little happy about submerging our life in our community since we currently spend our preschool days in a neighboring town.

As we get “rounded up” for kindergarten, I will feel nervous and excited. I will channel that through butterflies in my stomach walking through the doors, a few tears dropping him off on the first day and maybe some clammy palms when I meet his teacher. I just hope that Drew is able to channel his nerves in a constructive, normal fashion like me. And that’s really what I’m sweating…

2 thoughts on “Kindy Roundup

    • That makes sense, you feel the angst from a mom’s perspective and a teacher’s perspective. Good luck, you have two years to prepare yourself 🙂

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