The American Dream

September 10, 2011

People have said that real estate prices are falling at a slower rate, progress? I think not. It seems like no matter how it is spun, the bottom line is the real estate industry still stinks. Everyone keeps saying that it’s a buyer’s market, so where are all the buyers?

I was reading this article explaining that requests for mortgages were at an all time low. So why aren’t buyers using this golden opportunity to enter the market?

These wise people believe it’s because of the insecurity of the job market. And despite the fact that I recently heard that Chicago added a great deal of jobs, unemployment is still raising (9%). So what is the answer? How do we stop the bleed?

People often reflect back to the great depression or other tumultuous times in our nation’s history. It seems like it took good leadership, a lot of working together, and believers to turn it all around. Where do we find that?

Our country is so divided and corrupt that even if there were good leaders out there, it would be practically impossible for any change since nobody is willing to work together. As for believing, I’m sooo done believing. I barely even want to hear about anything political anymore based on such frustration and disappointment for the world we live in.

How do we get out of this hole? Speaking as someone who would love to join this buyer’s market, how do we recover from this position we are in? How do we buy houses again? How do we keep our jobs? How do we grow our lives with so much gloom and doom around us?

The article goes on to say, “First-time homebuyers stand to gain the most from waiting, as they might be able to buy a home for a slightly lower price six to nine months from now. Move-up buyers, however, don’t have as much incentive to wait, as they will see depreciation on the home they are selling as well as on the house they are buying.”

You mean to tell me my house is going to be worth even less in six to nine months? How do I ever get out of this circumstance?!? And does that mean that jobs will just continue to decline or even just stay at the rate they are at?

I can’t help but think six years ago when I was after the American dream, I should have relocated that dream to Mexico or the real estate equivalent!

***Article by Melinda Fulmer of MSN Real Estate

2 thoughts on “The American Dream

  1. Yep, I know. We got our tax assestment this year and they have lowered the price of our house by $25,000! I was shocked. We know owe more than our house can be sold for. If my hubby ever loses his job we are screwed! I lost mine in 2005 when I became too sick to work and it took us 3 years to fight for my disability. By then we were so far in debt we still don’t see the sunshine. But if he loses his job (his company is laying off) well, I have decided I am not fighting for this house. It is too much debt and we are too far in that we could never live off of my disability and what I win from contests here and there. That is why I got into blogging and entering to off set the cost of having to buy things. We were able this past year for the first time give Christmas according to what I won and this year on Birthdays people have gotten what I won. That was a huge success for me. Anyway, I am a new follower thru RSS Reader,Facebook and Twitter. I did not see GFC so if there is one let me know. I would love a follow back on all of these when you get the chance. Thanks so much for your help and have a wonderful day.

    Mary Bearden recently posted..You Pins by Lilla Rose ReviewMy Profile

    • Mary,
      Thank you so much for your comments. I completely understand the frustration of your house dropping in value, I’m right there with you! I’m crossing my fingers for your husband. I’m happy to follow you as well! Lots of luck blogging! Thanks for contributing!

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