Eggplant Parmesan…hold the parmesan

September 17, 2011

Eggplant Thinly Sliced

Dipped lightly into olive oil, garlic combo and dipped into Panko breadcrumbs. Sautee in frying pan with olive oil.

Bake for 15 minutes at 400.

Whole wheat pasta and Trader Joe’s marinara which is unbelievable (and vegan). I also caramelized some onions with Pam spray (had enough olive oil for one meal) and garlic.

Eggplant was a little oily, go figure I only used almost a whole jar of it to make this, but yummy nonetheless! Good news/bad news on the quest for feeding Gabby, she loves spaghetti but has no affinity for eggplant Parmesan…hold the Parmesan.

2 thoughts on “Eggplant Parmesan…hold the parmesan

  1. Can’t guarantee I’ll be able to figure out how to get back to your blog again on my phone… but, this sounds yummy! You’re such a good mom to try so hard with Gabby’s food struggles! (I’m so glad Caelen’s seem to have resolved for now.)

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