

November 29, 2011

Yesterday I hit a wall, like a wall was never hit before. It could have been the days of packing, it could have been the annoyances of things not coming together as they should, it could have been balancing the kids by myself, but anyway you look at it a wall was hit. When we first moved into our townhouse, […]

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War Zone

November 25, 2011

In light of recent holidays, I could list off all the things I’m so very thankful for like health (for which you have nothing without), family (that gives me so much joy), friends (whom in some ways have become like family), our many houses (one of which that I’m getting more excited to move into) or the opportunity to stay […]

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Day 2

November 18, 2011

We are into the second day of construction. The good news is that we’re cranking out projects like nobody’s business. The bad news is that my head is spinning in a major way. Every time I have ever left this house, although I am realistic of how great it potentially can be, I’m disgusted by the house. For one, it’s […]

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Home Sweet Home

March 11, 2010

March 1st Adam and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary of living in our house. Most of my thoughts and energy surrounding this house, at this point, have been around leaving it and moving on. With the anniversary of our moving in, it reminded me of how much joy, excitement and progress has been accomplished in this home. When it […]

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