Home Sweet Home

March 11, 2010

March 1st Adam and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary of living in our house. Most of my thoughts and energy surrounding this house, at this point, have been around leaving it and moving on. With the anniversary of our moving in, it reminded me of how much joy, excitement and progress has been accomplished in this home.

When it was being built, we would come visit and check in on the growth. Picking out all the details of the flooring, cabinetry, upgrades, etc. was very overwhelming yet so exciting. Going to all the different furniture and appliance stores building each room of the house was so thrilling. After we closed on it, we slept on an air mattress in the living room for two nights painting different rooms.

Then everything started getting delivered! One by one our empty infrastructure was turning into a house with places to sit, beds to sleep in, and appliances to make our lives functional. Since that day in March of 2005, our house has evolved. We welcomed Wrigley. We brought Drew home. And now we will bring our new baby home here too.

Although we are still fighting the good fight and trying to sell, I’m accepting the fact that we probably will be stuck here. For a long time I was very dissatisfied with that idea. I’m always so eager for the next step, I want more – bigger and better. One day as we were preparing our home for a real estate “showing,” I walked around and commented on how nice it looked. I thought anyone should be happy to have such a beautiful home! I had the nerve to think someone other than me should be happy in our home, which has brought me nothing but bliss! Why would I ever want anymore?

Every aspect of this home has been exciting and fulfilling for me. Yes, I would love to have more space. It would be great to have a yard. Adam and I started our life together here. We invented a framework of a family here. Ultimately it is just walls, carpeting and wiring but it’s also been our nest. And as the day comes that we are able to move onward and upward, I will forever be grateful that we had this home as our beginning. I will forever be grateful for the good, bad and ugly times that have all happened under this roof. And for that, if nothing more, I will always treasure my time here. Even if that time is going to be past, present, and more of a future than I intended.

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