Break is overrated

January 9, 2014

I blogged just a few short days ago of my reluctance to getting back on schedule (read that here). To that blog I say…why????

Why would I not be elated to get back into our structure? My kids seem to thrive in a predetermined plan full of all the things they enjoy. Downtime is filled with complaints- too much screen time or fights about screen time, too much junk food and too much money spent on things to occupy the time.

The concept of a birthday being only one day when it is so fun is a hard one to grasp. It falls into the same world of vacation being so great and the inability to live in a state if vacation. Break is nothing but a break in our routine that is enjoyable but is meant to not exceed it’s two week limit (unfortunately Mother Nature tested this principle extending it two days). I think I just found it’s proper place.

The chauffeuring I do on a regular basis, the juggling of activities and schools is in fact where we all seem to thrive. And as much as it is a welcome change of unstructure, I am so happy to be back in our jive. I never thought I’s live to see the day that I would say that we all prefer our world of hustle and bustle…is it weekend yet 😉

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