Take me out to the ballgame…

April 10, 2013

And so it starts. With both the Chicago teams having had their opening days, we are officially in baseball season. I have never been shy about my detest for this six month long season of baseball but it continually reaches larger and higher levels of pain.

My son loves baseball. He doesn’t love baseball like he once LOVED and had to have that stuffed animal that has sat on the bottom of his closet for nine months now. He loves baseball similarly to the way I love oxygen. From the time he was one year old, he could sit through an entire baseball game completely enthralled. The kid practically prays for overtime so he can get a few more innings of a non-scoring game.

And it’s not that I’m so selfish that I can’t get over the fact that I think it’s one of the least exciting sports out there. It’s mostly the fact that it takes over our life with such a vigor. Between my parents’ being White Sox season ticket holders and my husband being a big Cubs fan, it makes for constant competition and WAY too much money spent to become Drew’s number one team.

Now we also have the element of t-ball, which is as much a part of my issues with this time of year. I absolutely want Drew to be involved in organized sports and I realize that there’s a commitment involved with it but does it have to be so very demanding at four and a half years old?!? With twice a week practices followed by games, it takes over our life! And I haven’t even started on soccer!

It would be one thing if I felt Drew was in a state of complete bliss during these twice a week, disruptive practice/games. He spends so much of the time unhappy that he didn’t field the ball, angry that the other team did something well or rooting against his team members because he wants to be the best. It’s almost as if we are throwing Drew into the worst environment for a kid who is completely out of touch with his insane competitive nature.

So here goes another baseball season underway. Hopefully this year there are less tears cried than last year…at least by me.

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