Reporting from HELL!!

February 15, 2013

Are five days in a row my threshold or are my kids absolute monsters? And I’d like to give the excuse that it’s harder because I have three kids now but honestly Noah has been nothing but luggage when we shuffle around town. In the early evening (a.k.a the witching hourS) is a different story but during the day, he’s relatively easy.

It wasn’t a high point to the day when I pulled Gabby’s hair and said, “see how it feels!!!” Um…I think I just got kicked out as candidate for Mother of the Year right there. I just didn’t know what to do. Drew was having a hysterical fit, something about wanting a ticket for the raffle that he turned down the day before, and being completely defiant about getting into his car seat. Gabby decided to tag team him and beat the living sh*t out of me. Mother abuse!!! When I finally got everyone in their respective seats, Gabby passed out. Upon waking she kept kissing me and telling me that she loved me, as only an abuser can. Good thing Grandma is coming home today.

So I am surviving my solo week by the skin of my teeth. The most disturbing part that I’m finding is that the balancing act of handling three doesn’t seem to be the problem (although not exactly an easy feat). It’s the management of the two different personalities, one of which seems increasingly stronger with every day, of the older beings.

Today I was excited to post the recipes of the great Valentine’s dinner I had with the family. I wanted to brag about the exciting scavenger hunt of presents around the house. I was going to minimize all the threats to call off Valentine’s Day, I was going to underline the overwhelming feeling of love I have for my family and the excitement I had to spoil them all. Instead I can’t muster the strength to highlight all that because I’m so frustrated with today.

When I was in the hospital having Gabby, a pediatrician I don’t normally see came to see her. Almost as a little angel leaving me with a message that I try to keep on the forefront, especially on days like today. “The days are long but the years are short.” It is barely 2pm and I’m ready to throw in the towel. Between suffering physical injuries, hurt feelings and too many tears shed by all of us…I can safely say that I’m happy tomorrow is Saturday.

Recently my new favorite blogger (and should be yours!!!), Baby Sideburns, said it best…”Who the hell came up with TGIF? I still have to feed the kids, change like a million diapers and schlep them all over the F’ing place without my husband’s help. TGIF my ass. TGIS tomorrow.”

Right on sista!

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