My angel has a devilish side

January 16, 2013

It’s taken a really long time but I am sorta at the point where I get Drew. Don’t misunderstand me, there are plenty times in a given day that I’m utterly at a loss for why he did what he did. However, I’m starting to learn what motivates him, what are soft spots and how to get him to do what I need him to do. Sounds awfully like how to properly bribe him, but also means how to properly discipline him too. I’ve made some strides in this area.

What I am at a complete loss is how to manage my angel child. Overnight Gabby has turned into a little terror that is unaffected by timeouts (I do remember having to deal with this with Drew), less than motivated by bribes and consistently has no problem telling me “NO!” or “I don’t want to.” Over all I’m just downright tired but in addition I’m especially tired of chasing her around the room to get her into her pjs, fighting with her to put on her coat or arguing with her to nap. Did she just become a fifteen year old overnight? The amount of attitude that is inserted into any given demand I have of her is insane!

I’m completely sensitive to the fact that she is the one who is probably experiencing the biggest change by having a new baby here. There have been a few really gut wrenching times where she wanted me to carry her down the stairs(while I’m already carrying the baby) or she needed me while I was feeding the baby and couldn’t help. And when Adam was home, I was fearful that she would get all too accustomed to Adam replacing me and stop asking for me. Fortunately, since I’ve been flying solo (a relative term since my mom has helped me each day of the two and a half I’ve been “alone”), she has no choice but to wait her turn and it’s seemed to be alright.

Drew is celebrating this week by being school’s Top Banana. He’s being showcased as the star of the class this week, a role he’s very happy and quite comfortable in. I’m always so conscious of him needing so much attention that we have celebrated all week his banana status. While working on his poster for class, Gabby was getting very frustrated that she wasn’t getting help from us in creating her top banana poster (of course she had a top banana poster – she also had a booboo, remember?). After destruction failed as being a way to get Mom and Dad’s attention, she came in with a pacifier in her mouth (she has never used one before) and one of her doll’s bottles. I don’t think there’s a message here, do you????!!!!

All in all, everyone (Gabby included) as done great managing the changes our house has recently endured. It’s no surprise that Gabby would embrace her two year old status with a case of the terribles. But how the heck am I going to learn what makes her groove?!?! How am I going to motivate her in the way I have been able to with Drew (who’s gonna be first works like a gem, go figure!)? Or how am I going to properly reprimand her when my normal Drew repercussions (like not being able to watch the Patriots game or losing his Kane jersey) don’t work? I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it again…she’s supposed to be the good one!!!!

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