Halloween Synopsis

November 1, 2012

I could be the most exhausted human being that ever existed. It could be that my morning exercise class was a little too challenging for those at a very pregnant state (although the only reason that would be true is the fact that I’m carrying around some extra Halloween pounds). It’s possible that the mid-afternoon candy indulgence was completely unnecessary (actually I’m fairly certain that this fact is true). I think the greatest reason is that yesterday’s Halloween extravaganza was EXHAUSTING (but oh so fun)!!!

For one, keeping up with superheroes is a tough job!

And managing masks can be a real challenge!

Four year olds on a mission for candy are hard to keep up with…

When you are done – you are D-O-N-E!

Even if it is before you have had a piece of candy 🙂

All in all, Halloween was a big success but we are all moving a little slower today as a result 🙂

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