He Did It!!!

September 7, 2010

Soft music playing, dim lights, eyes all focused on the back of the room and Drew took the step out onto the runner. The ring bearer, accompanied by fellow ring bearer and junior bridesmaid, made his way down the aisle. He wasn’t crying or intimidated by the crowd as he made his way down the long runner with all eyes on the three of them. Adam and I stood in our respective places by the chupah (Jewish ceremonial canopy) with our chests pounding with pride, eyes welling up with tears and smiles so huge. Our baby, now a little man, did what we thought was impossible a few days prior. After terrorizing the plants in the hallway, pulling up the dresses of the bridesmaids, pulling his partners down to the floor despite multiple reprimands, he did exactly what we asked of him – walk down the aisle. And not only did he do it, he did it well! And as his parent, all I could do was beam. It was the first time I realized what it is like to feel for your child. It didn’t matter that I had just made the same walk down the aisle, that part was irrelevant. It didn’t matter that I was standing in front of a room full of people, it didn’t matter that I had my makeup just right, nothing mattered but my gorgeous little man making his way down the long aisle exactly how we wanted him to! All I could feel was excitement for him, in a way that overshadowed everything else. And as he approached the chupah, he eagerly climbed the stairs to take his way on the stage. After all, he is used to being center stage. With quick reflexes, Grandpa swooped in and grabbed him because his place was sitting and not on the stage. Suddenly the temper tantrum hits. The grand finale to his magnificent walk down the aisle was him being carried out of the ceremony screaming at the top of his lungs. And despite the scene made at the end, I feel pretty confident that the only thing everyone will remember about the ring bearers and junior bridesmaid is how adorable they were making their way down the aisle. Hopefully Drew’s grand departure won’t be a memory for everyone else, because it has practically escaped my mind already 🙂

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