
August 12, 2010

The first time I understood what it might feel like to be a parent was when I got my first new car. As I looked at it’s beauty, perfection I thought about the danger lurking every time I drove it and exposed it to the dangers of the world. Every trip down the street or long distance excursion I was exposing that beautiful, perfect car to the potential for something to happen. Then I thought about how my mom must feel the same way. It starts in small doses, leaving your children with grandparents for a night out. As the years pass, children go away to overnight camp and college. Each time you have to rest assure you gave them the tools (proper oil changes, all weather mats, etc.) to prepare them for the harsh elements. And the danger isn’t just when they go to college, it could be a short ride around the block. How as a parent do you ever prepare yourself for all those steps? You bring them into the world perfect, unscathed. Then over the years, it’s your responsibility to prepare them for each step away from you. How do you ever prepare yourself? As a child growing up, I never thought about the things I did effecting my mom. I never thought when I went to overnight camp that it would be hard on her. I never thought about how depressing and sad she must have felt packing me up for college because I was too wrapped up in the excitement and exhilaration that I felt. When she worried about me getting home at night or said no to a sleepover, I never understood she was doing that for me. I never thought about what it was like to have your child leave the house and be left behind. As I struggle to get out of the house each and everyday with my rambunctious two year old and colicky six week old, I’m going to try to appreciate that for now they only want to be with me. There will be a day, however, in the not too distant future where my beautiful, perfect cars will drive off the lot. I just hope I’ve properly prepared them for all the bumps in the road.

2 thoughts on “Cars=Children???

  1. It is such a great joy when your child begins to understand! You are my joy and watching you on the parent path has been the greatest pleasure of this time in my life.

    Your devoted Mother

  2. So do you really think when I slept at your house 10 days in a row that my mom was sad? HAHAHA!


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