Breaking Point

August 19, 2010

The good news about reaching your breaking point is that there’s only one direction to go from there. Unfortunately I reached that point in route to my best friend’s wedding. Everyone was finally situated; bottles were packed, two sizes of diapers were divvied into each of their appropriate bags, cars were exchanged, etc. Yet suddenly I realized that I did not have my dress! Every person in my family was prepared for this big day but me! It was that moment that I realized I was sinking in quick sand with no hope of oxygen. And for a controlling person, to feel that out of control, is the worst thing possible. How am I ever going to have a life with some semblance of sanity? Am I forever destined to be a frantic disaster because I now have two children? People less intelligent than I have successfully raised two children without going completely insane, what is wrong with me? The next day Drew locked himself in his room, Gabby screamed for about an hour straight, Drew decided to skip his nap and I managed to shower while being home alone with both children. My life suddenly started to look up! I was able to focus solely on the success of the shower. I felt it was a sign from someone up above that showed me the end is insight. Someday I may be able to handle my life after all! Of course the next day led to finger painting with poop, spit up on me from head to toe, and spaghetti sauce on my ceiling. So although I’m not quite on the path to true salvation, and I may find myself back at another breaking point soon, I’m going to consider this week a success.

2 thoughts on “Breaking Point

  1. Ha – your life is a sitcom sometimes. This entry was written well (like all of your entries) and funny! I'm glad you are keeping up with the blog and it is important to have that "me time". I enjoy every post!

  2. Congrats! It was a very successful week and you looked gorgeous at the wedding! Love you Mama!


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