Monday we embarked on our first day at the new school. We had done everything to set Drew up for success; gone a few days before to play at the new school, decorated a new box for storing his things at the new school, talked about the fun things to be done at the new school with the new teachers, etc. Yet when we dropped him off Monday morning, there were tears.
Fortunately for the progress and maturity of Drew, the only tears that were shed were those of his mother’s. It felt like the first time we dropped him off at daycare a year and a half ago. Leaving him with strangers that we expect to care for him in a way that we would is a challenging feeling to overcome. And when the phone rang at 11 am from the school, my worst fears were confirmed! Drew fell and scraped his chin! When I went to pick him up at the conclusion of the day, I peered into the room. He was eating a snack at the table where he was no longer strapped into the chair (like he would be at his old school), interacting with his new friends, a teacher was assisting him with a big boy cup (a new endeavor we had not previously tackled) and he was happy as a lark.
When I entered the room, Drew was in one piece. He was happy to see me yet had a great day. The teachers were raving about his behavior, happy demeanor and his injury was minimal. The staff was welcoming, positive and seemed to already develop an affinity to my warm, loving little man.
Low and behold I have somehow raised an adaptable, easy-going, friendly child. I can’t help but give him credit for his own wonderful personality. However, I also credit the JCC, his old school, for helping him since a very young age adapt to new teachers and exposure to different children.
After a trying day (at least for me) of new starts, I learned, once again, what an amazing little man I have. That doesn’t mean there won’t be days where Drew is sad to see us leave, accidents that happen on the play yard or times I feel sad to leave him but I was able to have a renewed confidence in my child as an independent person but also in the school and the caregivers. As much as I wish I didn’t have to leave him each and everyday, it’s reassuring to know he’s in good hands.
He is quite a wonderful little guy but no more wonderful than his mom!