Business woman by day, mommy by night!

March 3, 2010

I spent some of last week away from my family and in Atlanta for business. Being away from the family is never easy on anyone, least of whom is my wonderful husband who hustled all week to take care of an energetic 20 month old by himself. Although I spent a great deal of the time away longing for my baby, and husband of course, I also enjoyed the professional experience. It forced me to reflect on the fact that I really like my job. I spend so much of the time wishing I could stay home with Drew, feel less overwhelmed each week, have more time in general but I rarely recognize how much I really like my life the way it is. Don’t get me wrong – if I won the lottery, I’d quit my job. I’m not one of those masochistic people that have to work just because. And if someone gave me the choice, I’d choose spending my time with Drew over working. Yet I like having the different dimensions in my life. I like Heli the professional person and Heli the mom. I like that I get dressed up in suits and go into a world where I get to tackle mental challenges that are different from those that I deal with at home. I’m proud of what I have accomplished professionally and the respect I get from my peers, which I think, has given me a level of confidence I couldn’t get staying at home. I hope that confidence translates to Drew as something to work towards. I hope I’m setting an example of what a good work ethic can mean. I know that it was hard for me when my mom starting working. Rather than respect her for all her efforts at balancing a life as a single mom and full time business owner, I was resentful that she couldn’t spend more time with me. I hate to think that the day will come where Drew feels the same way. Now that I’m older and understand the world better, I really commend my mother for what she did and what she accomplished. Will Drew someday be able to feel that way about me? I’d like to say that all the hours I spend away from him, I’m doing just for him. Yes, I want to give him a good life with every advantage. Yes, it’s necessary for me to work for him to be able to go to a good school, live in a nice neighborhood, participate in quality classes, etc. There is, however, a selfish component to me working. I feel good about growing my career, having a good job and a professional self. Part of me is working just for me.

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