Time to give thanks!

November 26, 2009

From an early age we are taught that Thanksgiving is a time to appreciate the fortune we have in our lives. My family started an annual custom of going around the table and everyone saying one thing in particular you are thankful for. I always knew I was blessed, I always knew I had an abundance of things to be thankful for but I didn’t have the appreciation for those words until recently. Having a child you adore, a husband you respect and enjoy, having family that is supportive and understanding, a roof over your head and a job to help you pay your bills really helps you to understand the meaning of Thanksgiving. This year I have something to add to my list – all of you. I have loved to write since an early age and I have been opinionated my whole life. Until recently I had no means for my creative expression. Putting my concerns, feelings and dreams out there every week to everyone is not easy. Having my readers send me their thoughts, feelings and general support for me has meant more to me than words can describe – it has propelled me to keep writing. Writing my thoughts out week after week has been therapy. I thank you, my readers, for continuing to read my blog, sending me your thoughts and just generally supporting me all the time. I am blessed for all the things I have mentioned above but I am also so fortunate to have friends and family that are continually there for me and build me up like you all have. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

2 thoughts on “Time to give thanks!

  1. Heli, every post I read of yours engages me in a self reflection. This is a wonderful thing. I truly believe the sign of a great friend is one who helps you become a better person. You do this, by opening up yourself to your readers, you help all of us along the way as well.

    Thank you.

  2. Heli,

    I really enjoy reading your thoughts. I love them and can relate so much! Keep it up….love ya!
    Mara Corush

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