Marathon Time!

October 13, 2009

Sunday we went to watch my friend, Rachel Gerber, run the marathon. It was such an incredible experience to watch Rachel who has worked so hard to get to this point, run by with confidence and energy. As the different participants passed us, it was hard not to feel inspired by the hard work that went into such a lofty goal. People of all shapes and sizes that spent at minimum several months, in some cases several years, to achieve their goal of crossing the finish line. It made me really feel insignificant. Yes, I have achieved goals in my life – four years of college, carrying a baby for 9 months, different successes in my career, but none quite like that. In the midst of all the chaos of normal life to carve out hours of dedication, not to mention the variety of aliments from consistent training and life changes to prepare for the big day, takes a strong commitment to your goal. I couldn’t help but feel emotional for what everyone had to overcome to be there that day. For Rachel, she struggled through numerous injuries that would have put most people out of commission. Something inside these runners kept them coming back for more. Was it just to be able to cross the finish line? Was it the thrill of climbing the mountain? Have I ever been motivated to do anything that I was willing to throw every part of me into? Sure, I went away to college. I put a lot into the curriculum, but I also put a lot into, shall we say, my social life. I was committed to being a healthy, strong vessel for my growing child. I ate well, exercised, took prenatal classes, etc. but that was for the well being of my unborn child. I have worked hard at my job to get to different sales pinnacles but that was to ensure my marketability in an ever-changing marketplace. Never in my life have I put everything I had into a goal that at times seemed unattainable. Looking at these runners I realized that everyone gave up something to be there. Some gave up personal time, some gave up habits and some gave up body parts along the way but still showed up on game day and crossed that finishing line. It’s quite moving and a great example of seeing a goal through. Someday I want Drew to see the obstacles in life (whether chosen obstacles or un avoided obstacles life gives you) and tackle them with the same vigor Rachel did on Sunday. I want Drew to cross the finish line and feel the success associated with accomplishing a goal. How do you teach that? I hope the answer is not that his mother has to do the marathon herself.

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