Gripes Galore!

February 5, 2014

I have many gripes. There are many things in our day to day life that cause me to bitch and moan. I think the one to take the cake, win the prize and be the worst thing about living with these scoundrels would be trying to get out of the door.


No Gabby, it is not appropriate to go out in swimwear. Rather the intended outfit that I laid out for you, dressed you in already several times, is the outfit you MUST (I repeat MUST) wear to go out in this lovely weather.

No Drew, nothing magical happens when I reach the forty-fifth time nagging you to put on your boots and coat. Rather, that vein in my forehead that I didn’t realize I had until I had you protrudes and I am about to blow a gasket. Nothing good comes of what follows. Instead of making me get to that point, how about you just put on your shoes and coat!?

No Noah, I realize you do not like to be bundled and would prefer to wiggle out of the coat and straps all together. Rather, why don’t you just sit still and let me do this in the thirty-five seconds it should take instead of the thirty-five minutes it does take to wrestle you.

And everyday starts out the same, I vow for it to be THE day where I stay cool calm and collected through the whole process. No matter how many deep cleansing breaths I take, we always manage to be assembled in the vehicle with steam coming out of my ears, tears from at least one child and punishments assigned across the board.

If that weren’t bad enough, Drew is a walker. Yeah duh, he’s been walking since he was thirteen months. No, he’s the worst kind of walker. The kind where your mom has to chauffeur you until you are a freshmen in high school. So I usually have the pleasure of having this battle several times a day. Oh the joys of being me!

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