The Frying Pan

October 29, 2013

After 3 full days of caring for my children 24/7, my parents are ready for my return. I, on the other hand, am not.

It’s not that I don’t miss them, I cannot wait to hold Noah and kiss them all up. I’m just not ready to be thrown into the frying pan of life. I took rather nicely to sleeping in, eating leisurely meals and keeping my voice at an even tone. It was all like riding a bike, a skill you snap back into so quickly.

To make the situation worse, I am leaving my “always so present” husband when I return. He has two extra days of business. So I’m being thrown directly into the frying pan without any sort of life preserver (my parents are in dire need of a break and my husband won’t be home at the end of the day)!!!

I expect the first hour or two after my homecoming to be filled with enthusiasm for my return. There will be excitement with the souvenirs I bring. It will be great. I may have been generous with that length of time, because I have a feeling it will take no time at all for the tantrums to start and the balancing act to begin.

Maybe the rest and relaxation I obtained on this trip will make me a more calm, better equipped mother to tackle these challenges. Or maybe I’ll cry myself to sleep thinking of how Adam was lucky enough to get two extra days away. Either way I intend to enjoy every second of that smooch fest when I see those kiddos because I know that euphoria of us being reunited will not last long.

The joys of an adult only vaca, even if it was too short!!!

One thought on “The Frying Pan

  1. WOW! I just went through this…my husband went away for 3 days and 4 days and I LOVED it!! Like you say, it’s not that I didn’t miss them…it’s that I loved the silence, waking up when I wanted to, not having to run at the crack and change poopy diapers, listen to screaming, get breakfasts ready, etc. I definitely think the positive side to coming back is that you do so recharged and with more patience (for a certain amount of time). I just consider myself VERY lucky that I have my parents to watch my kids IF I ever need to get away…a lot of people don’t have that luxury!
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