Dear Adam,

May 1, 2013

Sometimes it feels like I’m in the trenches of war. I’m barricaded by the bomb strike ahead, I’m under siege by the machine guns at my right and the sniper is sneaking up on me at the left. And in the midst of it all, I see a hand. A hand that is shaking just as much as mine. A hand that doesn’t have any clue how we are going to survive this war but holding it provides me stability in a very unsettling time.

This life redefined is totally new to me, to us. And at times it feels so scary – three children depending on us for their every need. The frustration of mundane life is enough to drive anyone into a tailspin of depression and angst. Whenever things get tough, we seem to find a way to bring it back to us…the place where we started. I hear that goofy laugh, see that smile that echoes to your eyes or you say a completely expected sarcastic line that I’ve heard a thousand times and I know everything is going to be alright.

Where we started is so extremely far from where we are now. And where we are going is somewhere completely unrecognizable, I’m sure. Somehow in between a long distance relationship, marriage so young it’s almost silly and three kids, we built a foundation that seems to be the constant through all the craze. That foundation seems to steady us while we battle this unsteady time in our lives.

I’ve managed to make this blog, per usual, about me instead of relishing on the fact that this steadiness I speak of would not exist if it weren’t for your never-ending patience, compassion and easy-going nature. So today, your day, I want you to know how there’s no one else in the world that I’d want to be in war times with. I just hope we both make it out in one piece 🙂

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