The truth is that I really like my husband. I definitely love him like I’m supposed to but I also really like him. And sometimes it takes a picture like this to make you see it captured so beautifully in front of you.
This was taken courtesy of Ben and Sarit’s wedding (thanks guys) where we had the rare opportunity for a trip without kids. It’s easier to remember what you like about each other when you are away from life’s stressors. It’s easy to be in a good place when you are on vacation mode and carefree. It’s times when life is a little harder, throws you a curve ball that your feelings for each other can really be tested.
There are definitely things on a daily basis that aren’t necessarily the most glamorous part of our marriage…like the fact that he can NEVER find anything or leaves his wallet everywhere! And I certainly remember the first few weeks of parenthood being especially trying for us. But at the risk of sounding especially cheesy, we mesh in a way that works.
It might be the fact that he is the easiest going, easiest to be with and most laid back kinda guy…because clearly I’m not. It might be the fact that we met at an age young enough to mold into each other. It might be that we just are a yin and yang couple. Whatever it is, I pray that it continues.
Before we got married, I thought if we discussed every issue that could potentially arise in our life than we’d be prepared to combat anything. I’m not sure anything we could have discussed would have given us any clue what life with two kids and one on the way would really look like.
And as fearful as I am of disrupting the nice dynamic of the four person family we have, I am of course also cautious of the effect changing our family will have on our relationship. When Drew was born, we sat around and shared our delight over him together. Once Gabby was born, we had to learn to divide and conquer. Now that we are entering a world of zone defense, what does that mean for our juggling act?
Whether it’s separate from our kids, like this lovely moment, or combined as a family…I love and like Adam so much. I feel that having a foundation like that has and will continue to prepare us for evolving life together. Wish us luck as we enter this new chapter in the upcoming weeks.