I love lists…and a Top 10 list at that. So here is my Top 10 List of why being a singleton rocks. Now keep in mind, some of these could also be the worst part of being single…depending on my mood…
10. Hogging the covers
9. Dancing like mad to “All the Single Ladies” (maybe even on top of the bar???)
8. Endless Glee, Real Housewives, and Bachelor watching with no complaints
7. Guilt-free crushes
6. Unlimited girls nights
5. Engaging in Secret Single Behavior (remember that Sex and the City episode?)
4. Time to catch up on whatever you want (exercise, organizing, etc)
3. Impromptu trips to visit friends
2. A first kiss
1. Moments to reflect about what YOU really want…and actually DOING it!
Singles-what do you love most about being single?
Marrieds- what do you miss the most?
I am off to Indy for Superbowl Weekend!