It was a weekend of celebrating. I always have anxiety (what else is new?!?!) when we have a jam packed weekend. Regardless of how much fun the plans are, I like to have some flexibility to go as the wind takes us. This weekend, however, there was none of that!
Friday started the weekend off with the second of three celebrations for my mom’s birthday. This meal was going to be at a fine dining establishment. Anyone who has children knows how relaxing meals at fine dining establishments can be. Fortunately for us, they must have heard we were coming and gave us a private room. That doesn’t mean that my children didn’t terrorize the restaurant, they were just a little more contained.
Then Saturday started with back to back birthday bashes. The first being an outdoor party with a jumpy house and pumpkin decorating. Although Drew had a blast partaking, this event wasn’t exactly Gabby-friendly (which most things are not these days). Gabby spent the majority of the party longing to jump in the jumpy house. Clearly that was not an option since big kids were throwing their bodies all over the inner cage of the house. The petite 15 month old had to unhappily sit that one out.
Good thing there was an open cooler of beverages to keep her busy. She would grab the ice and put it in her mouth until her mother would screech that that was a choking hazard and take it away. This left Gabby extremely hysterical until she found the opportune moment to repeat the cycle. Boy was this fun for her mother.
Next was a birthday party for one of Drew’s classmates. I was excited for the opportunity for Drew to play with his friends outside of school and to meet more of the parents. I did, however, break code of conduct for participating in classmates birthday parties. I brought Gabby. I did clear it with the dad ahead of time, but as I understand it this is major taboo in the world of classmates’ parties. I figured it didn’t REALLY matter since Gabby couldn’t really participate, under 2 are free anyway and she couldn’t eat anything they offered. I may be black listed from future parties as a result.
Sunday started off with an early bang consisting of a school party in the morning. Once again Gabby was struggling with the desire to participate as the big kids do and her own abilities. This weekend was a reminder for Gabby of how she really still is too little for all the good stuff. After the school party there was a quick shuffle to classmate party #2 of the weekend.
I realize that Chuck E. Cheese is a thrill for pretty much all kids. I realize that there are a lot of different games and rides that are exciting. I also realize that the skit that is performed is all electronic now which is very engaging for this age bracket. I, however, do not in any fashion enjoy spending time in that germ cesspool. Not to mention, I find it WAY too overstimulating to be good for anyone!
And once again, Gabby tagged along. The difference with this is that she is really starting to enjoy those little baby rides. And for the first time since the girl started walking, she stayed put in the little school bus for quite some time. The fun she had going seat to seat pressing the buttons and talking on the phone was so cute that it almost made it alright that I was at Chuck E. Cheese. Drew, of course, was rocking the sports games and quite content himself. Plus, this was the first time in the history of us going there that he was completely not afraid of Chuck E. Cheese. My baby is growing up!
All in all it was a fun but exhausting weekend. It’s a good thing our weeks are completely relaxing to recover…RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!