Happy Passover

April 1, 2010

This week all across the world Jews are celebrating Passover. That includes this Jew. Every holiday we experience with our little sponge, Drew, our feelings of religion and celebration changes a little bit. Everything we do, every way we celebrate there is some little person there absorbing some part of our actions. This has forced me to evaluate what type of Jew I want to be. When we decided on daycare, we chose the JCC. At the time we chose because I had gone to the JCC, because it was close to our parents’ homes, because it was convenient for us, etc. As Drew comes home with Jewish related art projects and lessons, I realize that our decision to enroll Drew in the JCC is also because I value the religious involvement. Although I was properly educated on Judaism, I don’t remember the religious details nor do I know how to teach them to my offspring. There is something very rewarding in knowing that his school has age appropriate books, art projects and songs to coincide with the holidays. I feel good that Drew is being educated in our religion, not just babysat. Judaism has always been important to my family and I equated that with being important to me. Now that I’m really starting to have my own household and family I’m seeing that Judaism is also important to me. I’m not sure it’s important to me because I live and die by the stories in the bible or customs that we are taught to practice. It’s important to me because my ancestors have been practicing these customs, for example the seder dinner as we did this week, and I now have the opportunity to pass it on to my offspring. There is something incredibly special about that. As we were driving home from the seder, Drew was singing one of the songs, Dayanu, in the car. I couldn’t help but feel that I was doing my part to create a well-rounded child with religious values. As he is learning all the customs, I’m learning about myself too. I never knew what kind of parent I would be or how I would instill values in my children. Yet as I evolve as a parent, it almost becomes natural for me. It was premeditated on how I would encourage my children to be good people and good Jews but low and behold I find myself acting accordingly. I guess that just means that the ancestors before me did a good job at instilling the same values and traditions. Thanks Mom.

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